Fitness is a concern for many of us, especially those who live rather sedentary lives. Set up a walking routine, as one of the simplest things to do to get the needed exercise. You will find that walking benefits you as soon as you have taken the first few steps.
Walking is the one exercise that does not demand that you need to join a gym, or buy some costly exercise equipment. Of course, there are certain treadmills that can have you exercising in the privacy of your home. But they will require a fair amount of money and the space that you need to install this equipment. You will, however, need the right shoes and will be more comfortable if you wear loose and comfortable clothes when you go out walking.
Now that you are properly outfitted, start with deciding the time you will devote to your walk. Start with a time allotted of not more than half an hour, as this is something that you should be able to spare, from your otherwise busy schedule. Note the time, open the front door, and start walking. Decide on a place in your neighborhood that you can walk to. A park or open ground is the best if you are lucky enough to have this close to your home. Start your walk at a leisurely pace, till your body is warm enough. After this you can speed up and walk faster, but make sure that you never overexert yourself, especially for the first few days after you have started this routine.
Walk with as erect a posture as possible, and swing your arms as you walk, as this will give your entire body the exercise that it needs. Make the walking a part of your regular routine, and once this becomes a habit, you will be surprised as to how easily your body adjusts, and even demands that you go for a walk.